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New Arrivals

"Ides of March"
Full CGI Concept Teaser Trailer
For the first time in human history [as far as we know] 2 brand new Cyberpunk Dystopian Movies of expert quality are being crowdfunded - hollywood free! Do you want to be a part of history?
"sub" to our rumble, minds and youtube accounts to keep up to date!

Hi! I am JARV.
Currently it's just me, JARV if you would like to be part of the team as a contributor feel free to give a donation as little as $1 and your name [for the credits] and your email to receive a free copy of the movie/movies when they come out! If you don't want your name in the credits just put "__" and if you don't want a free copy of the movie?? What's wrong with you! This could be the begging of something new, fresh, original and anti holywood! It's up to you to decide. If you are looking to get paid to help make the movie you can contact me at the email below, but first we got to fully fund at least the first tier!
JARV - Producer
To add your name to this you must donate $100 dollars or more!
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